Our Mission

The mission of the Dunn County Democratic Party (DCD) is to promote the platform and resolutions of the Democratic Party of Wisconsin (DPW) and the Democratic National Committee (DNC), ultimately helping to elect Democrats to public office. The DCD will work with other groups that support the goals and priorities of the Democratic Party. In addition, the DCD will strive to educate the general public on the issues facing the community, the state and the nation.

Our Vision

The Dunn County Democratic Party operates in unity with the community to build support for progressive values and to elect progressive candidates to local, state and national elections.

Our Constitution & Bylaws

Our Constitution and Bylaws are the basis for how we operate. Both are regularly reviewed and approved by our members.

  • Building bridges, not walls, to diverse perspectives.

  • Hearing all voices and needs in our county.

  • Offering hospitality and service to everyone.

  • Prioritizing respect and seeking unity with all people.

  • Defending integrity and fairness in our community.

  • Sustaining a healthy environment for future generations.

  • Challenging injustices and threats to democracy.

Our Values

Our Board

  • Pete Huff


  • Camden Hargrove


  • Nina Koch


  • Heather Seburn


  • Carol Nies


  • Morgan Berry


  • Josiah Berry

    Josiah Berry


  • Anna McClung


  • Deb Baldus McGrath


Our Committees

Outreach: promote the DCD in the community (e.g., forums, fairs, parades, service events, etc.)

Fundraising: raising funds beyond membership dues (i.e., fundraising appeals, events, etc.)

Membership: member recruitment and retention, including volunteer engagement.

Communications: overseeing the DCD website, social media, newsletter, branding, etc.

Ad Hoc Committees: writing resolutions, overseeing office, auditing finances, etc.

Want to join a DCD committee and help guide our party? Email us at info@dunncountydemocrats.com